Website Design Freebies

Website Design Freebies

We Are Here To Help You With Starting Your Online Journey, whether you choose to work with us or do it yourself.

15 Tips Website Designers Will NOT Tell You

Below are some FREE Reports you MUST read as part of PREPARING to Get a Website.


The 10 Steps You MUST Take BEFORE Talking To Any Web Designer

Including the Absolute MUST-DO Task That hardly Any-One Does!  Miss this and you have started the Journey to Disaster!

9-Page PDF, Yours absolutely Free.  Do NOT start on a Website without reading this – It can save you a lot of Heartache (And Cash!)

Sent to you within 24 hours of you emailing us, Mon to Fri.

Email us at  or Ring Terry on 0468 420 470 to get your Free Report.


Avoiding Website Disasters: What You MUST Know BEFORE Your Website Crashes

A 7-Page Report that makes sure you AVOID problems – At the Design Stage, not 3 months AFTER you build your website!
Let us help you down the Road To Success -To get your Free Report, Phone Terry on 0468 420 470 or email me at

Sent to you within 48 hours of you emailing us for Website Design Freebies, Mon to Fri.

Email us at  or ring 0468 420 470 to get your Free Report.


Things You MUST Do AFTER You Get A Website

Getting a Website is only the Start.  Here are some things you MUST do AFTER getting your website:

Add Your Website to Local Directories, CHECK Your Site Speed and Mobile Friendliness,  Add Your Website to Gumtree,  Add Backlinks to Your Website,  Install an SSL Certificate and more

Sent to you within 48 hours of you emailing us for Website Design Freebies, Mon to Fri.

Email us at  or ring 0468 420 470 to get the Full Report.


To Thank You for Requesting our first three Website Design Freebies – A Gift!  Choose from 2

A CHOICE of PERSONAL REPORTS from our Website Design Freebies – CHOOSE FROM


Website Design Freebies cover 3aProven Methods To Relieve Tension and Stress – Includes…

  1. What are some common causes of stress in people?
  2. Can stress lead to physical health problems?
  3. What are some common mistakes people make when trying to relieve tension and stress?
  4. What are some proven methods for relieving tension and stress?
  5. What are some good ways to deal with emotional stress?
  6. How can you find the right time and place to use proven methods to relieve tension and stress?
  7. Is it possible to relieve stress naturally?
  8. What are some natural supplements that can help reduce stress and anxiety?
  9. What are the benefits of using proven methods to relieve tension and stress?
  10. How can we prevent our stress and tension from mounting in the first place?
  11. What are some methods for relieving stress amid a difficult situation?
  12. How can you overcome your resistance when trying to relieve tension and stress?
  13. How can you be sure that the method you’re using to relieve tension and stress is effective?
  14. How can you better manage your time to use proven methods to relieve tension and stress more effectively?
  15. What are some healthy foods that can help you feel relaxed and energized?

OR ….


Website Design Freebies cover 3bEverything Entrepreneurs Need to Know About
Overcoming Brain Fog

– Includes…

  1. What are some common triggers that cause brain fog in entrepreneurs?
  2. What are the most common symptoms of brain fog?
  3. What are some common misconceptions about brain fog?
  4. What are some strategies for overcoming brain fog in entrepreneurs?
  5. What are some effective methods for regaining a sense of balance?
  6. What are some natural methods for restoring clarity of thought in entrepreneurs?
  7. What can you do to increase your focus and productivity?
  8. What is the best way to monitor and track progress in overcoming brain fog in entrepreneurs?
  9. What role does stress play in brain fog in entrepreneurs?
  10. How can we buffer ourselves from stress in order to overcome brain fog?
  11. How can you stay focused when working on multiple tasks at the same time?
  12. What are some tactics you can use to stay calm and productive under pressure?
  13. What are some effective ways to improve concentration?
  14. How can you create an effective and manageable schedule as an entrepreneur?
  15. What are some best practices for organizing and managing work for entrepreneurs?
  16. How can entrepreneurship be beneficial for overall mental and physical health?
  17. How can we build resilience in order to overcome challenges in entrepreneurship?

Your Choice – Email us at  or Ring Terry on 0468 420 470 to get your Free Report.
Please let us know whether you want 3A or 3B from our Website Design Freebies Special Reports

Sent to you on Day 4 (Mon-Fri)

Website Design Freebies 5

How To Get a Website at No Cost or Low Cost

This is our Secret Weapon – So Valuable We Do Not Put It In A Report!

EMAIL us your Request, together with a good time to ring you (eg Monday Morning or Wednesday Afternoon etc)

Include your Name, Your Business Name and Address, and the Best Phone Number to catch you on.

We will RING you and Discuss this with you.

Absolutely Genuine – No Tricks or Gimmicks.  Learn the Secrets to a Free or Low Cost Website.

And it is a Great Looking Website – Just like This One.  You will not believe how Effective this is!


See our Range of BUSINESS VIDEOS Here … Free Video with Any website $495 and Above

Call Terry on 0468 420 470 or email  for any further assistance you require.